Doesn't get any better (in bad Spanish: mas mejor) than this. At least I am getting mejor (good spanish) speaking. Sometimes, it's only because I have the script laid down for the grocery store or Wallgreens or the restaurant! My daughter told me that a friend of hers is taking Spanish classes in Michigan. The teacher told them on the first day that the best they could hope for in speaking proficiency is to sound like a precocious two year old. I think I might be a precocious three or four year old (in Spanish)
Remember that market bag from Organic Cotton that we Betties were drooling over about 2 months ago? I had some cool blue cotton in my stash and am in the middle of it now. It's a MARKET BAG, not a PURSE! I can hear the laughing from here (woo hoo! ha ha ha Cheryl's making another purse!) I've even figured out a purse I want to make with Karaoke and the branching out pattern. :)
Buenos dias, y'all from Puerto Rico! I've decreed the island the JUNK FOOD CAPITOL OF THE WORLD!!! Here's the scoop: You may have learned that ice cream in Spanish is helado. Here, we call it mantecado. Manteca is the spanish word for fat (well, lard). Puerto Rican's turn even healthy foods into mantecado. I'm going to find the sign later and post it, but there is a sign outside an icecream store here that lists one of its flavors as zanahoria. THIS IS CARROT! We have all the traditional US junk food like Burger King, Mc Donalds, KFC, you name it, and to top it off we have KIOSKOS. I thought kiosks were only in malls and sell stuff like cell phones and Avon and belts and purses! Today when I'm out, I'll take a pic of this, but right next to many beaches are rows of kiosks that sell lost of fried stuff. Here's one pic that my daughter took last week when we were in Pinones which is a gorgeous beach just north of the airport.
Pincho is shiskebab!
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