Monday, April 9, 2007

Progress on Branching Out

Here's my progress on the Branching Out Scarf!

What???!!! That's not the Branching Out Scarf???!!!!

I was going through my stash on Saturday and

found this wonderful, beautiful yarn! After frogging the branching out scarf numerous times on Friday, I decided to frog something else on Saturday and Sunday. The argosy scarf from Knitty. OK, it's a little different, but the concept is the exact same. :)

This scarf has ALOT of counting!!! Do not attempt while talking onthe phone, watching TV and TAKE FREQUENT BREAKS! I started out doing the frequent break thingie and things were going great.

So, here's what happened last night. It was really too late to continue... and I hadn't taken any breaks in a LONG time, but I only had about 48 more rows to go... and made a big mess up. I don't really want to frog it, but can't figure out how to back out over all those SSKs, K2tog and YOs.


vagabond bettie said...

I like the zig zag better. I'm gonna frog. (I think!)

vagabond bettie said...

Lunchtime frogging~ I started the argosy over!

Anonymous said...

How can I join this KAL? Do you have certain yarn you are all using or just any you want to for this project. Thanks for letting me know.

brandilion said...

You, Miss Thang, have no attention span. I started my branching out in Caron Simply Soft, because it is what I have enough of lying around. Don't have any pics yet, but will post some soon.

vagabond bettie said...

Hi Heather!
Send your e-mail address to me ( and I'll send you an invitation.

vagabond bettie said...

Brandi, Brandi, Brandi!
Just squint real hard and you'll see the branching out scarf! Anyways.... all is frogged and ready to re-start!