Friday, April 27, 2007

New to KAL.

Hello, all! My name is Pixie and I was recently invited to participate in this KAL. Melissa and I belong to a couple of the same yahoo groups and are members of the FABULOUS Get Stitchy, which I can't recommend enough, btw.
I've finally cast on for this scarf and have completed 3 repeats thus far. I'm knitting it in 100% baby alpaca on a size 6 lantern moon rosewood circ. I like the definition but am not quite sure how I feel about the drape. Here are a couple of progress pics:

The color is pretty true-to-life, it's a very light mustard yellow. It's sooo soft. Thanks for looking and I appreciate comments/feedback!
My blog is here!


vagabond bettie said...

Pixie, it's SO pretty! How wide is yours? I'm doing mine in the alapaca too and it's pulling up the same way. It will take a good stern blocking!

brandilion said...

Mine in TLC Cotton plus is also pulling up. I think it has to do with the border only being 25 sts wide while most of the lace pattern is 31 sts wide. I'm sure it will block out.

Melissa said...

Hurray Pixie is here! :) Glad to see you!

Spooky said...

Thanks! I'm super happy with it so far but haven't touched it because I had a couple of beers with lunch and knitting lace + alcohol = bad news. I made another dishcloth instead.
I think I'm going to try and do x number of repeats per day. Maybe 4 or 5. I like 5.
I'm excited to see how it looks after blocking! This is my first proper lace project.